Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Kids on the Political Block

Come out on June 9th after work for a patio prattle with an Alberta Party rep, Chima Nkemdirim, and the Wildrose Party leader, Danielle Smith.

Young Albertans are more likely than their elders to be cynical and disaffected about politics. You will hear from these two "new kids on the political block" about what they're doing to engage youth. There will also be a Q and A session.

We also promise killer appies, door prizes and patio action (if the Alberta weather complies!). If it rains, we'll be moving the "parties" inside.

Doors open at 5:30 and the event starts at 6:00. The event is at The Billiard Club (10505-82 Ave.) in Edmonton.
Tickets are $8 . ahead of time or $10 at the door. Tix can be purchased here:

For more info, please email