Ever wonder about the challenges and successes in being a professional sports team in a city that’s NHL focused? How do you get noticed? How do you build and retain a fan base? How do you stand out when you’re not the big team in conversations at the sports bar?
Join us on Friday, April 2 as the Rush take on Washington and you enjoy an evening of sport featuring a private talk from the Rush, a tour of Rexall, an exciting Lacrosse game and an autograph opportunity. The experience is perfect for your friends or family and is only $14.75 (including service charges)! Tickets can be purchased at http://www.ticketmaster.ca/intervivos (special access code: TEAMSILVER - please be sure to select April 2). Sorry, all tickets must be pre-purchased, there will not be tickets available at the door.
We will meet at the Wayne Gretzky Statue at the north entrance of Rexall Place at 5:30 pm to start our evening with Edmonton’s own Men with Sticks.
Questions? Email us at connect@intervivos.ca.