Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Kids on the Political Block

Come out on June 9th after work for a patio prattle with an Alberta Party rep, Chima Nkemdirim, and the Wildrose Party leader, Danielle Smith.

Young Albertans are more likely than their elders to be cynical and disaffected about politics. You will hear from these two "new kids on the political block" about what they're doing to engage youth. There will also be a Q and A session.

We also promise killer appies, door prizes and patio action (if the Alberta weather complies!). If it rains, we'll be moving the "parties" inside.

Doors open at 5:30 and the event starts at 6:00. The event is at The Billiard Club (10505-82 Ave.) in Edmonton.
Tickets are $8 . ahead of time or $10 at the door. Tix can be purchased here:

For more info, please email

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Men With Sticks: An Evening With The Rush

interVivos proudly presents an original event with the Edmonton Rush.

Ever wonder about the challenges and successes in being a professional sports team in a city that’s NHL focused? How do you get noticed? How do you build and retain a fan base? How do you stand out when you’re not the big team in conversations at the sports bar?

Join us on Friday, April 2 as the Rush take on Washington and you enjoy an evening of sport featuring a private talk from the Rush, a tour of Rexall, an exciting Lacrosse game and an autograph opportunity. The experience is perfect for your friends or family and is only $14.75 (including service charges)! Tickets can be purchased at (special access code: TEAMSILVER - please be sure to select April 2). Sorry, all tickets must be pre-purchased, there will not be tickets available at the door.

We will meet at the Wayne Gretzky Statue at the north entrance of Rexall Place at 5:30 pm to start our evening with Edmonton’s own Men with Sticks.

Questions? Email us at

Thursday, February 4, 2010

More than Parks and Rec

When: Fri., Feb. 19
Where: Glenora Room, The Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel (10155 105 Street)
Time: Doors open at 11:30 a.m., Program starts at 11:50 a.m. sharp and ends at 1:00 p.m

Municipalities have been on a wild ride. They’ve been dealing with downloading, booms and busts. They’re really “feeling the crunch”.

Join interVivos over lunch to hear two perspectives on current municipal challenges and opportunities. We will hear from Darren Aldous and Don Iveson. Darren is the President of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and Mayor of the small but mighty village of Breton. Don Iveson is a city councillor from the bustling metropolis of E-town.

Are villages and cities united by the same challenges? Or will they scrap over limited resources? Come out on Feb. 19th to find out.

The ticket price for this event is ten dollars. Five dollars of each ticket sold is donated to the Youth Emergency Shelter Society.

RSVP here